Protest: Marine Plastic Pollution

This is a project about “protest” from ISTD. Each year, a predicted billions of tons global plastics were mass-produced but less than a fifth of all plastic is recycled all over the world. Through the paper bag to thank the people who choose paper rather than plastic one. For the design I use the Marine life and the plastic they suffer from to make people aware.

The consumption of plastics have contin- ued to rise. We dispose of plastic daily from food packaging to beverage bottles, we scarcely recycled or reduced all disposables still. Plastic debris not simply be discarded on the land but rivers, coasts, beaches, and oceans as well. This planet is facing serious issue—Ocean Plastic; marine animals are being severely harmed and murdered by the plastic debris and even the deepest sea creatures can’t escape from plastic pollution. To respond the intense issue, the solution is to shape a serious visual images that pass on the plastic pollution severity is beyond your imagination, assert the ocean wildlife is decreasing and barely living in the deleterious environment. The aim of the protest is to provoke consumer’s awareness on ocean plastic pollution. Not just thinking but actual protecting the marine animals.